
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

1/10/10 - Confessions of a Modern-day Tantrika

Confessions of a Modern-day Tantrika

            “Fear is simply the lack of faith and love.”  Course in Miracles
            “When God is behind you, there is nothing to fear.  When God isn’t behind you, there is everything to fear.”  J. Bird
            “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.” 1John 4:18
            “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  St.John 8:32
I have a few confessions to make as a follow-up to my last newsletter “The Naked Truth.”
My first confession is this: I was not a victim of a police “raid” here at Heartsong.  In fact the Spirit had shown me in vision exactly what was going to happen that day and asked me if I was okay with walking through these doors.  I told the spirit I was willing to walk through any doors that were for the “greatest good” and accordance to “Divine Will”.  Many years ago (perhaps even lifetimes ago) I surrendered myself to Divine Will so nothing that happens in my life is according to chance but according to my dharma or karma—whichever term you’d like to use.  Dharma according to Wayne Dyer’s definition means “destiny.”  I like his definition which is actually the same definition for karma.  I like the word “Destiny” and that’s why I named one of my daughters “Destiny.”  It is a powerful word.  And so Tuesday I had a “date with Destiny.”
Of course there were other obvious indicators.  First of all my landlord on Saturday, when he came to collect the rent check gave me a “head’s up” that a friend of his son’s whose father is in the police department had told him that I was “under investigation.”  I appreciated his words of caution but I consciously chose not to go into fear.
Also, since my previous newsletter entitled “The Watchers from the Shadows and the Light,” my sister and her daughter have been pretty upset with me. After that Newsletter, I received several threatening text messages from my sister’s daughter whose dad is in the police department.  These are what she had texted me and Destiny’s replies (because I absolutely hate texting):

10:59 Mel: You are one ruthless bitch and I am calling authorities on you and your business you don’t even know the correct facts

11:02 Mel: Oh and if you e mail my mom one more time I will we will file harassment charges!

11:53 Destiny’s reply (because I hate to text): What have I ever done to you or your family but expose the truth

11:56 Mel: U don’t even know the whole truth you think you know by here say and then put it in your own nasty words which is so far out there.

12:01 Mel: Leave my mom alone and mind your own business. If you write one more letter about my family you will have cops crawling so far up your ass you wont know what to do

12:05 Destiny: Your mom actually proofread that newsletter and didn’t object to its content so I think you’re the one who needs to mind their own business.

12:08 Mel: You are so full of shit I am talking to her right now and I have read her e-mails telling you to leave her alone

For those of you who do not wish to know “The Whole Truth,” please skip this part and go directly to the part entitled “Confessions of a Modern-day Tantrika.”  This part is for those personal friends who wish to know the “The Whole Truth” which frankly is a bunch of family history and is the title of the e-mail I’d sent to my oldest sister, Cheryle, and carbon copied to all of my family members on November 12:

Dear Cheryle--
It was so good to talk with you yesterday.  I have been agonizing over this whole family business now for weeks and I thought I was alone in my feelings.  It's good to know that you and Bruce have similar feelings.  It's also interesting to find out that Wendy was lying when she wrote me in a "poison pen letter" stating that David had been part of putting together a contract for her to "earn" $2,200 a month just to live with Mom.  That amount doesn't include free rent and utilities.  I realize Wendy is stressed over paying her bills (as we all are) but I don't think it's right for her to "create" a job where one doesn't exist.  She should at least volunteer to keep an eye on Mom while she's living there for part of her rent and utilities and for what she already owes for Braden's car mess-up and her breast surgery.  Also, Danielle and Joel are both adults living there and can keep an eye on her when Wendy is at work.  We all need to be accountable for our creations (including our children) and Wendy is out of work because she chooses to be.  I've offered her a job here at Heartsong on several occasions but she always has her own blasted excuses why she doesn't want to work.  Now that window of opportunity has closed.  I also realize that our family does have some major mental illnesses that need to be addresses so that they can function normally in society.  I'm trying to address my tendency to want to escape confrontation as it is inherit in our DNA.  I've done some voice patterning and this tendency has been linked to our Grandfather Thorne who probably had a difficult time expressing after his dad committed suicide.  This is where we get our suicidal tendencies.  Also, we get our tendencies to want to bail everyone out with money on the Callister side of the family where real love was never expressed--only a monetary substitution.  Anyway, I'm seeing a great Karmic therapist to understand some of my own Karmic challenges.  His name is Steve Proskauer and he wrote an excellent book called "Karmic Therapy."  I'm going to get everyone in the family a copy for Christmas.  He does Karmic and Shamanic Therapy here in town and I highly recommend him.  Attached is the edited Heartsong Newsletter I told you about which I send out periodically to my congregation of "The Church of the Gathering of What is Real."  It's entitled "The Watchers from the Shadow and the Light."  Enjoy!  Email me sometimes and I will put you on my e-mail list for future correspondence.  LOL--Janae
P.S. Also I think the last thing we should do right now in this economic climate is to reverse mortgage MOM'S house.  She doesn't want to and I think we would take a big hit on it.  Also, the less money Mom has in her bank account, the less likely people are going to take advantage of her--don't you agree?

The last e-mail I sent to my family on Christmas Eve was this after they had called a family meeting that I couldn’t attend as I had made previous plans:

Dear Family Members—
This is a cease and desist order for any more meetings, conversations, and/or decisions concerning Mother's welfare without me and everyone else present.  This is also an order to follow the decisions which were made at our last meeting which include the following:  Wendy will not be given any more payment for caretaking Mother starting January 1, those adults living with Mother which include Wendy, Braden, Danielle and Joel will be responsible for Mother's care in exchange for their rent and utilities.  The reverse-mortgage on the house will NOT take place until ALL parties can agree as this is considered "future inheritance" for everyone and besides that, Mom has NOT agreed to such a drastic step in her retirement plan.  That I be present at any court hearings determining whether or not Mother is competent enough to make her own decisions concerning her retirement and her real estate.  If any of these decisions are violated, then I will have no other choice then to charge everyone involved with Elder Abuse and file a petition for guardianship for Mother.  Please let me know after Christmas, when the next meeting will be held and I will try to make it.  I can be e-mailed at or reached by phone at 953-9205.  Thanks for your consideration in this matter—Janae

This e-mail which went out to all of my family was followed by a threatening text from my niece stating:
“I told u if u emailed my mom one more time I would call the cops. Hope u have a great visit with them”
I didn’t take the threat too seriously until my landlord confirmed that “I was under investigation.”  I refused to go into fear over all of it and continued my “business as usual” policy even with these threats hanging over my head.

I’m sharing this with all of you simply for the sake of clarity and also for my own personal revelation.  Here is the revelation I received this morning as I was doing my usual Sunday morning cleanse and meditation which I feel to share with you, my beloveds:
My life is a microcosm to the universal macrocosm and so what I am going through now not only impacts my life, but my family’s life, my community, and the entire planet.  Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of clearing and healing of my own DNA doing Vo-Cal—Voice Patterning invented by Cal Young (you can e-mail me for further information) and also Shamanic/Karmic Therapy with an excellent therapist in town named Steve Proskauer.  (I hope Steve doesn’t mind me mentioning his name as he was also referred to my family in my e-mail.)
Here’s a bit of my own family “baggage” which I have been “digging up” for my own enlightenment (bringing it to the light) and for clearing on my own DNA which some of you may or may not relate to.  As was mentioned earlier in my letter to my sister Cheryle, my great-grandfather Thorne committed suicide by drinking lye one night in his own hardware store in Pleasant Grove (not Pleasantville, but close) because he couldn’t come to terms with his two plural wives fighting with each other all the time.  Not only did this introduce suicidal tendencies in our family, but I believe this set-up his son (my grandfather Thorne) for a seriously depreciated self-esteem which attracted the opposite in my grandmother Thorne who I understand was very boisterous and assertive. (I never met either Grandparents but have seen pictures of them.) This combination of personalities is the classic set-up for my father’s tendencies toward homosexuality.  And because of his sexual dysfunction it set him up for the opposite sexual dysfunction in my mother who was frigid and dissociated.  Because they were both long time members of the Mormon Church (four generations back on all four sides of the family) my father didn’t have a “healthy outlet” for sexuality and so he became a sexual predator to my older brothers, who in turn, took out a lot of their anger and frustrations on me and my younger sister by teasing us incessantly.  I still absolutely hate being teased.  So there you go with the “family baggage tree” and I believe this is being brought up to clear as my mother, who is 86 next month is nearing her time of transition to the other side.  For some reason, I think it’s important to clear up your karma before you die so you don’t have to recycle it into the next life.
So now I’m trying to figure out in my own life’s karma of whether or not I’m drawn to “tantric” therapy because of a dysfunction in my own DNA or I am genuinely compassionate towards those men I see coming to me over and over again with the same sexual frustrations as my father did.  I guess in doing what I do I am healing myself and my family’s DNA but I feel, in a sense, it is my own Darma/Karma I am following and I simply can’t deny it or run away from it.  I must stick with it or die!
            About a year ago I wrote an article which I submitted to The Catalyst (which wasn’t printed) entitled “Confessions of a Modern Day Tantrika” which I’d like to include as a summary:

Confessions of a Modern-day Tantrika

Tantrika: a practitioner of Tantra
Tantra:  to expand, to weave together
In our modern-day society, “Tantra” has become a catch-all word to describe a number of different spiritual practices that have an erotic component or sexual application.  These practices first showed up in the Taoist tradition, in Tibet, in Nepal and in India and these erotic practices were seen as cults or part of the “occult” or hidden practices.  Obviously, anything that had to do with sexual practices was forced underground to protect us from our “natural obsession” with sex and sensuality.  But in Tantra, sex is simply viewed as one aspect of an energy system called the “chakra system” where all energies are acknowledged as part of the whole.  Just as in a rainbow, all colors are valued and expressed, so it is with the body’s energy system or “temple of light” wherein all energy vibrations or colors are acknowledged and expressed.  There are no “good” colors or “bad” colors.  They are simply colors and having a full pallet of colors to paint with is the goal of the tantrika.  This is the foundation for Tantra and for many other holistic spiritual practices.  For Tantra, everything is holy.

As far as I can understand all spiritual systems have their inception with an individual having an altered state experience where the ego boundaries dissolve and there’s a connection, there’s an acknowledgement, there’s a deep knowing of relationship with all things.  Scientifically and philosophically, it’s not unlike quantum physics which describes that all particles are related and part of the universal whole.  From this “holistic” viewpoint, Tantra essentially says there is one energy which pervades the universe, and the pain that we experience comes from our identification with our sense of separateness.  From a holistic healer’s point of view, I’ve found that pain is caused when we restrict, resist, or suppress this universal energy flow within our bodies.  Pain is simply an expression of a need for attention in that particular area.  When we release the restriction which is causing the pain, then the body can enjoy a fuller expression of energy flow.  Biologically speaking, it is the process of “turning on” all of the receptor sites so that we can be totally present with the ultimate bliss of oneness.
There’s a huge body of holistic practices including yoga (which means to join), TM (transcendental meditation) and bodywork (including Tantric massage and Watsu) which is used to purify the body, mind and spirit so that one can experience this type of oneness connection or non-separateness.  I have personally engaged in all three of these practices for over thirty years and have experienced this ecstatic state of “oneness” which is ineffable and indefinable.  It can only be experienced to comprehend it.
Unfortunately in this country, and especially in Utah, there are restrictive laws concerning the practice of Tantric massage.  As a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and Body Worker, I have practiced in many other states which have allowed for the practice of Tantric massage and other bodywork, such as Watsu, which are traditionally practiced in the nude.  Ishvara, the founder of Harbin Hot Springs in California (where I trained in Watsu and Waterdance) and the author of the book, Oneness in Living, describes the three main benefits of nudity:

1)    To enjoy that inherent birthright: to be free, to run free, to be open to nature, and to be ecstatic.
2)    To grow spiritually by overcoming barriers between ourselves and others.
3)    To stop hiding from others and, instead, to be honest.

In addition, it is very healthful to expose all of our skin directly to sun, air, and water.  This was part of the ancient Essene tradition where they “stripped off all of their clothes and allowed the angels of the air, the water and the sun to minister to them.”  (See The Essene Gospel of Peace by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely)  Also, in the Gospel of Thomas found at the Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt in 1945, the disciples ask Jesus, “When will you appear to us and when shall we see you?”   Jesus replies:  “When you take your clothes and put them under your feet like little children and trample them, then you will see the son of the living one and you will not be afraid.”
Why is it in our modern-day society we are afraid to take off our clothes and walk around naked?  The answer is obvious:  Because we will immediately be arrested and thrown in jail for “indecent exposure!”  Not to mention the personal em-bare-ass-ment we will cause our family and friends.  (Excuse the pun-ish-ment.)  When was it that our society suddenly decided that our “birthday suits” or that which God originally sent us to earth wearing was considered evil and obscene?  Was it in the Garden of Eden wherein God asks Adam and Eve “Who told you you were naked?”  And they bashfully replied, “The serpent (or Satan).”  God never told them they were naked and that it was “wrong” to be naked.  According to the Bible, Satan actually did!  I challenge any God-fearing Christian to find any scripture to support the idea that nudity is a sin.  In fact, King David was known for his “dancing naked in the streets” as a celebration to God!
As a licensed massage therapist working in Utah, I have willingly subscribed to archaic laws requiring the draping of all “sexual” parts of the body.  And, as a Utah Naturist, I’ve had to hike up to such remote places as Diamond Fork Hot Springs or find a secluded sandbar on Lake Powell in order to practice my “naturist” activities.  I must confess that this has compromised my own personal beliefs that nudity is healthy and “holistic” and is an aspect of “holistic health.”  But now let’s get into the discussion about how healthy sexuality (I mean regular orgasms for both men and women) is not only healthy but life-promoting—now I’m really in trouble!
Growing up as a Mormon in Salt Lake City, I’ve witnessed firsthand the dysfunction and disease that has been caused by the suppression of sexual energy (not to mention the unhealthy sealing of the body’s energy system with nylon under garments).  Utah is well-known for its high incidence of prostate, uterine and breast cancer along with other sexual dysfunctions such as impotence and frigidity.  I subscribe to the age-old adage that if you “don’t use it, you lose it.”  It’s basic medical science.  If there isn’t circulation going to any part of the body, it’s going to wither up and die.  (Try tying off a toe for a few days and see what happens.)  Of course it’s also well-known knowledge that anything suppressed will come out sooner or later in other perverted forms.  Polygyny, pornography, prostitution and pedophilia are the four perversions that are prevalent in this “Mormon” society.  Believe me I’ve personally witnessed all four in my own life as a practicing Mormon.
Perhaps this is the motivation for my pursuit as a Tantric massage therapist in, of all places, Utah.  Yes, I have the required background: I’ve been a yoga and TM practitioner and teacher for over 30 years, I’m a Master Herbalist and holistic health practitioner, I am a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and Body Worker, I am a Watsu and Waterdance practitioner, I am the author of several books, including Herbs to the Rescue, Heartsong, Heart Wide Open (which features me nude on front and Becoming One—the journey toward God.  But above all, I am a recovering Mormon and Fundamentalist Mormon polygamist with perhaps the most dysfunctional family “sexual” background imaginable.  (You can read about it in my book, Heartsong.)  I suppose this is also the incentive for establishing Heartsong Healing Center here in Holladay, Utah in order for me to practice holistic health and teach classes concerning Tantra and Kundalini energy awakening.   I have huge compassion for “sexually dysfunctional survivors” and it seems that my life’s spiritual path has directed me to this “neck of the woods” in order to serve my fellow brothers and sisters here in Utah.  And speaking of “necks” yes, I am putting my neck on the line in order to practice traditional Tantric massage and Watsu.   Yet historically, it’s been the pioneering path of the mystic or heretic (take for instance, Joseph Smith) to cut a path through the illusion of our separation in order to experience the bliss of our oneness. 
But for now my intent is to stay within the Utah laws regarding naturism and massage practices in order to keep my license and provide for myself and family.  Needless to say, I am a strong advocate for changing the suppressive Utah laws and allow for client/therapist mutual consent and confidentiality with regards to traditional Tantric massage and Watsu.  This is a free country where liberty should reign paramount with regard to one’s holistic health and spiritual practices.  And Tantra is time-honored and respected therapy in most other states besides Utah.  And it is a well-regarded spiritual practice in many countries around the world.
Finally, I express my freedom of speech by quoting the words of one of my favorite characters, the Courtesan, Veronica Franco in the movie, Dangerous Beauty in defense of her life as a courtesan in Venice:
“I confess I find more ecstasy in passion than in prayer.  Such passion is prayer.  I confess . . . I pray still to feel the touch of my lover’s lips, his hands upon me, his arms enfolding me.  Such surrender has been mine.  I confess I hunger still to be filled and enflamed, to melt into the dream of us, beyond this troubled place, to where we are not ourselves, to know that always, always this is mine.  If this had not been mine, if I had lived another way, a child to a husband’s whim, my soul hardened from lack of touch and lack of love, I confess such endless days and nights would be punishment far greater than any you would meter out.  You, all of you, who hunger so for what I give, but cannot bear to see such power in a woman.  You call god’s greatest gift – ourselves—our yearning, our need for love, you call it filth, and sin and heresy.  I repent there was no other way open to me.  I do not repent my life.”
These words stand as my own confession of my life as a modern-day Tantrika.
For more information on Tantra massage and classes, e-mail Jesse at heartsong or visit 
Blessings to one and all—J. Bird (still naked as a)

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