
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

9/22/7 - Let the Sun Shine In

Let the Sun Shine In

The final angel of healing described in the The Essene Gospel of Peace is the angel of sunlight:

And if afterward there remain within you aught of your past sins and uncleannesses, seek the angel of sunlight.  Put off your shoes and your clothing and suffer the angel of sunlight to embrace all your body.  Then breathe long and deeply, that the angel of sunlight shall cast out of your body all evil-smelling and unclean things which defiled it without and within.  And all unclean and evil-smelling things shall rise from you, even as the darkness of night faces before the brightness of the rising sun.  For I tell you truly, holy is the angel of sunlight who cleans out all uncleannesses and makes all evil-smelling things of a sweet odor.  None may come before the face of God, whom the angel of sunlight lets not pass.  Truly, all must be born again of sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of the truth of the Heavenly Father.
The angels of air and of water and of sunlight are brethren.  They were given to the Son of Man that they might serve him, and that he might go always from one to the other.
Holy, likewise, is their embrace.  They are indivisible children of the Earthly Mother, so do not you put asunder those whom earth and heaven have made one.  Let these three brother angels enfold you every day and let them abide with you through all your fasting.

I couldn’t possibly list all of the healing values of the precious gift of sunlight.  My mother, when I was growing up, would always encourage me when I was sick to lay in the sunlight for at least a half an hour to help with the healing process.   I know I always felt better when I did.  My mother, at 84, still sits on the porch nearly every day for a half an hour in the sun.  She has excellent health at her age other than loss of hearing.  She still gardens almost every day in the summertime.
Many studies have shown that exposure to sunlight for 30 minutes each day will keep your vitamin D and serotonin levels at their optimum level.  This is especially important in the wintertime when many people suffer from depression caused by decreasing levels of vitamin D and serotonin caused by lack of sunlight.  It also helps to build the immune system so that you don’t suffer from seasonal colds and flus.
One of the fascinating things I’ve discovered about sunlight is the different light rays used for different forms of healing.  Ultraviolet rays help to break up bellirubin in newborn babies who suffer from jaundice.  (My newborn grandson, Brody, is being healed from his jaundice this way.  My daughter puts him in the sunlight from a window for a half an hour each day.)  Also, I use far infrared rays in my Nu Yu Body renewal system for a variety of reasons.  The following are a list of health benefits (found in one of my instructional brochures) for far infrared and negative ions:

1)    Metabolism:
Promotes the processes of life support by which a substance is assimilated or eliminated, by the body.  Long Wave Infrared Rays activate this process.
2)    Blood Circulation:
Pharmacologists say that improving blood circulation is very difficult.  The Long Wave Infrared Rays and Negative Ion treatment does promote better blood circulation which invigorates cells and eliminates waste materials and harmful fat.
3)    Wounds:
The effect of pain relief will depend on the size and degree of the wound.  The healing period will be shortened, and the scarring effect will be greatly reduced.
4)    Hypertension:
Hypertension and arteriosclerosis are major causes of heart disease and kidney trouble starting with middle aged people.  Improved blood circulation will lower blood pressure, and the autonomic nervous system is greatly helped by the healing effect.
5)    Low Blood Pressure:
Symptoms of low blood pressure are frequent dizziness and fatigue.  There is normally no cure except for rest and enough sleep.  The heat treatment method will promote perspiration and give energy to the body returning blood pressure to normal.
6)    Dementia:
It is believed that Long Wave Infrared Rays improves blood circulation and metabolism which reduce the symptoms of senility by 60%.  This treatment has provided very favorable results on mental disease.
7)    Cancer Prevention:
It is believed that everyone has some cancer cells, mixed with our healthy cells, somewhere in the body.  If we are in a weakened state due to overeating, or fatigue, we are susceptible to developing cancer, over time, with accumulation of harmful food products we consume.  The Long Wave Infrared Rays within the range of 40C to 50C will weaken and destroy cancer cells without harming the surrounding healthy cells.  There is data that suggests that 96% of ordinary malignant tumors die at a temperature of 43’C.
8)    Diabetes:
Diabetes is caused by metabolic problems.  Although results are not immediate, it is very helpful to have the Long Wave Infrared Rays cause perspiration which will gradually ease these symptoms.
9)    Lymphatic Gland:                                                                                                                                           This gland controls and balances a bodily liquid consisting chiefly of blood plasma and white blood cells.  This effects the entire body including muscles, intestines, and nerves, which eliminates waste materials.
10) Paralysis:
For a person who becomes paralyzed or becomes partially paralyzed by a stroke, the rehabilitation treatment is more important than medical therapy.  This treatment takes a long time, and the Long Wave Infrared Ray treatment is very effective.
11) Rheumatism:
An inflammation of the joint similar to arthritis which causes severe pain in joints and muscles.  The warm heat and ion treatment improves blood circulation, revitalizes old tissue, and promotes production of enzymes.
12) Menopause:
When a female reaches 45-50 years of age she usually experiences symptoms, such as, feeling cold or hot, hypochondria, dizziness, headaches and anxiety.  These symptoms can usually be relieved within a short period of time if they use this heat and Negative Ion treatment.          
13) Stress:
In the opinion of some people in the medical world, up to 75% of all diseases are caused by stress.  Stress can be greatly reduced, or eliminated, by using the Long Wave Infrared Ray and Negative Ion treatment.  By perspiring and relaxing, a satisfied mental and physical feeling is experienced.  Many beneficial effects include weight loss, body odor elimination, improved skin condition, elimination of harmful toxins from the body, energy replaces fatigue, various symptoms of lumbago disappear, and feeling refreshed.

I’m not trying to promote any products or therapy treatments in this newsletter as that’s not what I’m about.  I’m just here to share some of the information and knowledge I’ve gleaned from being a health practitioner for over 30 years.  There are many Far Infrared Therapies on the market that are inexpensive and often free. (Ceragem is a great therapy treatment.  Look in the Yellow Pages for details.)  I use an Amethyst Bio-Mat which radiates both Far Infrared and Negative Ions with every massage I do.  I also use a Far Infrared “Cocoon” Sauna for my Nu Yu Body Renewal System.  It helps to relax stressed muscles and increases metabolism for rapid cellulite loss.  I’m hoping to have these therapies available to everyone in my next Heartsong Healing Center. 
But until then, enjoy the benefits of the Indian Summer sun by joining us up at the Church of the Hot Springs.  We visit there year round and I will keep you updated on when I will be attending.  In conclusion join me by playing and singing one of my favorite J.D. songs.  (The one I first fell in love with him over.  It makes you feel warm and cozy all over.)

Sunshine on My Shoulders

Sunshine on my shoulders
Makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes
Can make me cry
Sunshine on the water
Looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always
Makes me high

If I had a day
That I could give to you
I’d give to you
A day just like today
If I had a song
That I could sing for you
I’d sing a song
To make you feel this way

Sunshine on my shoulders
Makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes
Can make me cry
Sunshine on the water
Looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always
Makes me high

If I had a tale
That I could tell you
I’d tell a tale
Sure to make you smile
If I had a wish
That I could wish for you
I’d make a wish the sun shine
All the while

Sunshine on my shoulders
Makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes
Can make me cry
Sunshine on the water
Looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always
Makes me high

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