
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

11/11/10 - Celebrate Your Life!

Celebrate Your Life!

I came across the Celebrate Your Life Conference sponsored by Mishka Productions quite by accident.  I’d wanted to attend Wayne Dyer’s gathering in Maui on October 23-24 (as I’d done last year), but with finalizing details with the Canadian Visions TV Network concerning filming a documentary about our polyamorous group here in Utah, the chance had slipped by.  It just wouldn’t fit into my schedule and so I resolved myself to miss out on my favorite author and speaker, Wayne Dyer, until next year or perhaps until the next I Can Do It Conference rolled around next summer.  Yet I was concerned that with Dr. Dyer’s current health issues I wouldn’t have too many more opportunities to enjoy him.
So when I googled (is that a word?) to find out when and where Dr. Dyer would be speaking next, I was pleasantly surprised to see the Celebrate Your Life Conference pop up in Phoenix on November 5-8.  I’d just been to Phoenix a few weeks earlier with Brad visiting the Phoenix Goddess Temple as I’d made connections with Tracy—the Mother Goddess there—through an e-mail contact.  She’d seen the June article of Salt Lake City Weekly by Jesse Fruhwirth detailing my arrest (and my polygamist background) and had contacted Jesse who had then forwarded her e-mail to me.  We’d been communicating by phone ever since until Brad and I were both invited to visit Tracy at her Sedona and Phoenix Temple locations.
Tracy had mentioned (while we were in Phoenix) that she wanted to schedule some of my trainings and classes before I headed to Maui to help Janet (another Mother Goddess I’d met through Tracy).  Janet and I had connected in a big way and were in the process of creating a paradigm shifting website called Sacred Matrix (details on that later) and were also collaborating on curriculum for the School of Tantra (tantra is definitely a word but not found in spell-check—why?) in Maui.  I also wanted to help Janet with her Goddess Temple in Maui and create some “hands-on Tantra” similar to what I’d created at Heartsong.  I’d had a vision of creating a Heartsong Healing Center in Maui when I was over there last year and the only thing holding me back was my involvement with Heartsong in Holladay.  And so when I was arrested in January and everything was shut down by June…I figured that this was all part of my own “conscious creation.”  The universe is ALWAYS perfect, even though we may not be and therefore not appreciate the reality of “what is.”
Anyway, my wheels started turning and the idea came to mind to schedule an Ananda Nirvana training during the same week as the Celebrate Your Life Conference.  So I called Tracy to collaborate whether this would work for her and she said that although it was short notice, she’d try to put a class together for me with her “Goddesses.”  The only other challenge was the fact that I had zero money for traveling expenses and with Brad paying for two airfares to Maui, I doubted he’d foot the bill for Phoenix.  But I always figure “if it’s meant to be God will provide the means” and so when I visited Mom that week, I was pleasantly surprised to find an unexpected dividend check for $848 waiting for me on her dining room table.  (Of course, Brad then insisted I pay for my own airfare but it still left me money for traveling expenses and to ship a box of my books to the temple.)
The Ananda Nirvana class went well although only three students showed up for the three-day class out of the eight who had originally signed up for it.  I soon realized that many of the Goddesses were hard-pressed for “seekers” (whom I’d called clients or members) and if they did get booked for an “initiation” (what I’d called treatments or ceremonies) they needed to be available for that.  Still, with the money from the class and an Ananda Nirvana treatment I provided a client, I’d earned enough money to attend the Conference on Friday and Saturday.  Sunday I’d promised to do a free introduction to the 10-day Tantric/Kundalini Energy Awakening Course to see if I could get enough students signed up.
After I completed the Ananda Nirvana training around 5:30 on Friday evening, I headed for the Marriot Hotel 30 minutes across town in Mom’s 1989 aquamarine-green Lumina I’d inherited a few years ago which I’d donned with a dozen or so New Age stickers (GOD WANTS SPIRITUAL FRUITS NOT RELIGIOUS NUTS was my favorite).  Even though I’d arrived nearly an hour early, by the time I’d purchased my tickets the front section of the conference hall had already filled up.  There was one seat left to the side and near the back of the front section which I finally settled into while everyone waited for the keynote speaker—Wayne Dyer—to arrive.  There was a singer on stage performing the opening act and when she asked for volunteers to join her on stage—my hand shot up.  I was chosen and made my way to front and center stage joining two other women to be her back-up singers.  It was a good ice-breaker not only for me but for the rest of the audience who cheered us on.  As I sat down, Dr. Dyer entered from the side door next to me and walked by—nearly close enough to touch—and some female members of the audience jumped up to give him a hug.  I was noticeably jealous.
Wayne (which I’ll take the liberty to call him) was in perfect form as he started out with his usual humorous joke, “I’ll be seventy this year and I still have sex almost every day—almost on Monday, almost on Tuesdays, almost on Wednesday….”  This time I didn’t laugh but confided to myself that if he were with me he’d have sex any time he wanted.  Wayne went on to talk about his latest insights and adventures which included his chance meet-up with Pamela McDonald, a Naturopathic Doctor, who’d put him on a dietary health regime which was literally curing his Leukemia.  She was introduced on stage and talked for a short time about her ground-breaking book, The Perfect Gene Diet.
That’s great, I thought to myself, but only half of the equation—it’s not just the input but the output that cures cancer.  I’d seen many clients and friends cure cancer using the Gerson Method which included daily coffee enemas to clean out the liver by saturating the cells with Glutathione—a valuable antioxidant.  Brad and I had adopted coffee enemas (along with other enema recipes including colloidal minerals, Epson salts, MSM, Aloe Vera, Probiotics, apple cider vinegar, and herbs) every other day as part of our preventative healthcare regime.  Another important factor in cleansing is the use of copious amounts of alkaline water which our Water for Life alkaline/ionized water machine provided.  I’d witnessed clients actually cure cancer by just drinking this water.  Not to mention the improvement in health and vitality Brad and I had experienced the past two years by drinking it.   If I could only talk to Wayne about using these methods—I knew he could absolutely cure his Leukemia.  But how could anyone get close enough to talk to him? I queried.  Again I was jealous of Pamela McDonald’s connection.
As a special tribute to Dr. Dyer, a local acting guild presented a short musical performance from their recently written and produced musical Unstoppable Me based on one of his children’s books by that title.  Wayne admitted that this was one of the main reasons he’d come to Phoenix to this particular Celebrate Your Life Conference—so that they could present this special tribute to him.  After all the additional presentations, it was getting late and I was getting dog-tired.  I forced myself to stay awake while Dr. Dyer came to the concluding points of his presentation.  After he discussed the concept that “We are ALL Gods” (something I’d already accepted growing up Mormon) he mentioned that if there was anything we should write down or put to memory it was these seven steps to conscious creation or, in other words, how to attract what it is you want in your life.  I struggled wearily to find a piece of paper and pen in my purse so I could jot down the seven points:
1)    Place into your imagination what it is you want in your life. (Image in)
2)    Learn to live from the end… not to the end.
3)    Assume the feelings of the wish fulfilled.  (From one of Neville’s books I’d read)
4)    Give attention to the objective versus subjective.  (In other words—don’t doubt)
5)    Make the subconscious conscious. Examine your thoughts as they arise. (Meditate)
6)    (Most important)  The last 5 minutes of the day, think about what it is you want.  When you are in Theta right before you slip into Delta—that is when your subconscious is the most programmable.  (I was also learning this in my Remote Viewing/Influencing Course.)
7)    (Last but not least) Ask yourself—is it natural?  (Are you being realistic?)  Align with your creation.

And then as one final humorous anecdote to complete Dr. Dyer’s remarkable speech (which I also wrote down): “Just remember—life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease” which left everyone laughing.
As I hopped on the freeway to get back to the Phoenix Goddess Temple the same way I’d come, I noticed that the 101 Freeway exchange had been blocked off due to construction.  I tried to get on it from a different direction, but to no avail.  I then figured if I followed the parallel street running north and south, I’d get there eventually.  WRONG!  After about an hour of getting thoroughly lost and confused (even my map didn’t offer any help), I finally pulled into an all-night gas station to ask for directions.  (I’m so glad I’m a woman and can be okay asking for directions;-)  The gas station attendant was very helpful and even drew me a map, recognizing my “lady in distress” syndrome.  I finally pulled into the Goddess Temple parking lot well after one a.m. and tip-toed into my room (I’d been placed in the Egypt room for my stay) trying not to wake anyone.  But before falling asleep, I decided to try-out Dr. Dyer’s suggestions.  I then imagined myself giving Wayne Dyer an Ananda Nirvana massage there in the Egypt room…and then fell soundly asleep.
The next morning I slept in an hour longer than planned; and so I rushed to get ready and be to the conference on time.  The first speaker I’d signed up for was Dr. David Hawkins—the proverbial “Father of Kinesiology.”  I’d read his book, Power Versus Force years ago and had attended one of his lectures at an I Can Do It Conference in San Diego.  He was an elderly gentleman (I’d say in his late 80’s or early 90’s) and appropriately senile as he’d go off on wild tangents and tell jokes only he would laugh at.  I was hoping that I’d get more “meat” out of him this time around as I thought the ideas in his book were brilliant.
I arrived a few minutes after 8:00 and was pleasantly surprised that the lectures began at 8:30 rather than the anticipated 8:00.  I tried to score a cup of coffee and a bagel (as I hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday) but the lines were ridiculously long.  I secured a seat next to a really nice lady who offered me a cheese stick (which I graciously devoured) while the rest of the crowd filed into Dr. Hawkins lecture hall.  I was in attentive anticipation for the first few minutes of Dr. Hawkins talk—but when he started rambling about how we could muscle test for successful stock market investments—my mind went on tilt.  I was sitting front and center and so the possibilities of me sneaking out unnoticed were next to nil.  Just as I was mapping an escape route, my phone rang.  Acting embarrassed, I grabbed my purse and excused myself out into the hallway.  It was an important phone call from the NY agent concerning the Canadian Documentary.  After we discussed the proposed itinerary for the next several minutes—I was left with a gnawing growl in my stomach.  I asked a concierge where the nearest restaurant was located and he directed me downstairs to the Blue Sage CafĂ©.
Just as I was being seated, I noticed the backside of a familiar figure—Wayne Dyer—heading to the pool area with an older woman.  “Darn, I just barely missed him,” I surmised as I sat down at a table next to a grassy area.  “Perhaps I should track him down after breakfast and introduce myself to him,” I conjectured, but realized that wasn’t my style.  “If it’s meant to be, God would make it happen,” I concluded as I ordered a vegetarian omelet…and then called Brad.  I thoroughly enjoyed breakfast while chatting with Brad and offered my whole-wheat toast crusts to a pair of Mallards and some Blackbirds playing on the nearby lawn.  I remembered that the Mallard totem meant the fulfillment or manifestation of ideas or dreams…and reflected about my Goddess connections with Tracy and Janet reaching their full fruition.  The waitress interrupted my thoughts with the bill and I checked the time on my cell phone which showed a few minutes past 10.  I knew I had to get on my way to get a good seat for Gregg Braden’s next presentation at 10:30.
Just as I was paying my bill and heading toward the elevator—guess who I ran right into?  You guessed it!  Wayne Dyer.  He was being “mobbed” by a couple of fans who wanted pictures and I tried to rescue him by grabbing him around the waist and including myself in their pictures.  (Just my usual goofing off!)  I then opened up a conversation with Wayne by saying, “Hey, I’m not trying to be a stalker, but do you have a minute or two to talk?”  Wayne looked at his watch as the elevator door opened behind him allowing for a convenient get-away. “Well, maybe just a minute or two…if you can make it quick.”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve read about me…but I’m the one who got arrested in Utah for doing Tantric therapy.”  I thought there might be a slight chance he’d heard about my story as his daughter, Tracy, was on my congregation list at the time I was arrested and I’d also given Louise Hay my two books—Heartsong and Heart Wide Open—and the CW article at the last I Can Do It Conference in San Diego.  I’d also met Tracy there and she’d given me her dad’s address so I could mail him copies of my two books (which I learned from his talk the night before—that he donates literally hundreds of them he receives in the mail to the local library).  Instead, I’d mailed him the CW article along with my story as a plea to help save Heartsong.
“Yes…I did hear about you…and I was absolutely appalled,” was his reply.  Without even thinking about the next words spilling out of my mouth I blurted, “Well, I’m down here in Phoenix at the Goddess Temple doing a Tantra training and I’d love to offer you a Tantric massage called Ananda Nirvana which means ‘blissful heaven’ if you have any time available.”
Wayne’s face brightened noticeably, “Oh, that would be wonderful…I love Tantra!  I do have a break in my schedule between three and six so if you could meet me here at three we might be able to squeeze it in.  I don’t have any transportation so you’d have to drive…how far away is the temple anyway?” 
I told him it was about 30 minutes away and with the given timeframe I was sure we could arrange it.  We agreed to meet at the same place at three and then he jotted down his cell number on a scrap of paper from my purse in case something came up for me and I couldn’t make it.  I was too twitter-patted to think about giving him my cell phone number in return.  After that the elevator doors opened again and we parted ways.
I then called Tracy to inform her that I had booked a special client—Wayne Dyer—for an Ananda Nirvana session at three and to have the Egypt Room ready for him.  I also called Brad to share about my “miraculous meeting” with Wayne Dyer and to discuss “boundary agreements” which we always do with all of my Tantric clients (I’ll spare you those details).  My mind was reeling with anticipation and I barely grocked anything from Gregg Braden’s or Deborah King’s presentations which was fine since they were both repeats from the last I Can Do It Conference.  I left Deborah’s lecture a few minutes early to make sure I was on time to meet Wayne (by now I feel I’m on first-name basis) near the elevators.
I sat on a marble bench outside the elevators checking my phone messages and returning phone calls (I had to share the news with my friend, Janet, in Maui) until nearly half-past three.  “Oh, what could I expect…it was too good to be true anyway…I’ve been stood up by Wayne Dyer,” I thought to myself, trying to fight off old rejection issues.  I then texted (is that a word?) him a message—Are we still on for 3?  Immediately he returned the text—Where are you?  I called back and told him I’d been waiting next to the elevator where we’d agreed to meet.  He’d been waiting in the front lobby for the past half hour and we both apologized for our misunderstanding.  I told him I’d grab my car and meet him out front in five minutes.  I sprinted to Mom’s van in record speed, rolled down the windows to air out the Arizona heat, and sped to the valet parking veranda out front.  I had described to him what I’d be driving, but when I saw his amused expression as he opened the door marked THINK GLOBALLY—ACT LOCALLY I realized he indeed had a sense of humor.
I laughed to myself as we sped away from the surprised onlookers who couldn’t believe their eyes!  I apologized for the air-conditioning going out years ago and resisted using my 260 air-conditioning joke on him (2 windows going 60 mph).  As we gained speed entering the freeway, I hoped that the 101 interchange was open as my directions to the Goddess Temple had blown from the front dash to the back of the van in spite of Wayne’s heroic attempts at rescuing them.
 “Do you know your way to the temple without the directions?” Dr. Dyer inquired frantically.  His nervousness was palpable—like a plump turkey the day before Thanksgiving (no offense—but it beats the “cat-tin-roof” clichĂ©)—and rightly so.  Here he was—the most famous man on the planet (in my opinion anyway)—hopping into an antiquated New Age-stickered van with a strange woman he’d only met hours ago to be whisked away to some unknown “Tantric Goddess Temple” somewhere in Phoenix.  I admired his “high-risk” ballsiness (is that a word?) and realized that he was again so much like me…trusting his life to Spirit…or the Tao…as Wayne would call it.
I calmly reassured him (and myself) as I smoothly transitioned onto the 101 that I indeed knew where I was going.  He then asked how I knew his daughter, Tracy (probably to reassure himself that I wasn’t some mad man-knapping woman).  I told him I’d met Tracy a few years ago at an I Can Do It Conference in San Diego where we’d gotten into a conversation about polygamy.  She’d told me one of her favorite sit/coms was Big Love and I told her about some of my own experiences living polygamy.  I offered her one of my just-published books, Heartsong, which she gladly accepted as she was excited to read about my story.  I also told her about my Heartsong Healing Center and how I had a boutique where I thought that some of her handbags might do well. Later, I contracted her to make a dozen custom-designed Heartsong book-bags for my Heartsong Trilogy.  (One of my dreams was to gift her father with a set of books in his daughter’s book-bags—but since my books hadn’t arrived at the temple yet—that dream would have to wait.)
We then talked about both our passels of children and I blew him away (as I did everyone) when I told him I had ten children.  He asked me their names (maybe a test to see if I was sincere) and then told me the names of his seven, starting with Tracy.  By then we were coming to the off ramp and without my written directions (Wayne again tried to locate them) I got confused as to which way to turn.  We got lost for a few minutes (again I felt Wayne’s nervousness) and we were both relieved when I spied the triple yin/yang Temple of One logoed (is that a word?) sign outside the Goddess Temple.  I pulled into the back area reserved for VIPs and walked Wayne to the front door.  Tracy and two other Goddesses were in the front reception area ready to greet us.  Tracy demonstrated the official “Goddess hug” with him and then escorted him to the Blue Water Room where all of the other Goddesses had assembled for their “Priestess Path” class. 
“What a coincidence that we’re all here in the blue ray room today with Dr. Dyer visiting us representing the blue ray.  (I’d only mentioned briefly about my vision of him as the “blue-ray holder” for the Sacred Matrix but hadn’t gotten into it much with our Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride Adventure thus far.)  We were then escorted to the Egypt Room where my table was made ready.
The Goddess Temple had a reputation of being nothing but “props and costumes” with the name “Tantra” as a cover-up for what they really did there.  I felt one of my purposes for coming there was to help change that image by offering authentic Tantra trainings through my Ananda Nirvana and Tantric/Kundalini Energy Awakening classes.  As we entered the Egypt Room, I immediately apologized for the presence of the queen-sized bed (it’s not what you think, I told him) and then instructed him to get undressed while I oiled the bare massage table with  warm coconut oil as part of the Ananda Nirvana treatment.  (Trade secrets not disclosed here;-)
After the treatment (I’ve been told not to call it a massage) Wayne gave me a huge bear hug and told me that was one of the most delightful experiences he’d ever had.  I blurted out (again without thinking) “Can you believe that’s what I got arrested for in Utah?”  Uncomfortable pause.  “That’s certainly unfortunate as everyone should have the opportunity to experience this,” he replied sincerely.  I thought twice about telling him what I told many of my clients…that this was my personal contribution to world peace…as I didn’t know whether he’d appreciate my sense of humor.
We both dressed quickly as we looked at the clock registering half past five.  “Can you make it to the hotel by six?” he questioned.  “Well, we can certainly try,” I replied, apologizing that we’d both lost track of time as I’d spent some extra attention on his stiff neck and sore shoulder muscles.  I mentioned that he needs to stop thinking he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders…but how do you gracefully tell Wayne Dyer that!
Wayne seemed more relaxed this time in the car—perhaps due to the massage but probably due to the fact that he felt safer and trusted me now.  He began to open up about his recent break-up with his 35-year-old girlfriend which he felt had an impact on his health.  “It’s hard for someone her age to understand an old fart like me who’ll be 70 this year—there’s just too much age difference.” 
“Ya think?  You guys are two generations apart…you have children her age.” I blurted back.  Wayne paused for a moment, “By the way…how old are you…with all of your children you must be at least…” “Fifty-three” I inserted, not wanting to embarrass him or me.  “Well, you certainly don’t look your age…and with all the children you’ve had…you’re amazingly fit and absolutely beautiful!”  No response…what could I possibly say to that? 
I changed the subject and started chatting about other things.  I told him that if we aren’t experiencing total and complete bliss in our lives then what are we doing?  We’re just contributing to the pain and suffering of the planet.  I was speaking not just to Dr. Dyer but also to myself as I examined my own life and where I wasn’t experiencing complete and total joy in my life.
We then got onto a discussion about stress and how any and all stress causes dis-ease…which ultimately leads to death.  I interjected (gracefully) that I felt Bikram Yoga causes stress rather than relaxation (I’d done it for 10 days and nearly passed out each time from the heat) and how him I’d found the perfect yoga for me—Anti-gravity Yoga.   I hoped to find a studio in Maui when I got over there so that I could continue with my practice.  It was much gentler on your body and allowed you to do inversions without compressing your spine and particularly your cervicals.
Wayne then mentioned he would be boarding five different airlines before he landed in Maui the day before Thanksgiving and how much stress it causes to fly.  “It’s not the flight, but it’s the standing in line for hours on end that causes the stress.”  I then shared with him my funny story about my flight from Montana to Vegas where my tube of StriVectin nearly got confiscated in order for me to get on the plane (details of that story is in my Family Matters—2.5 Ounce  Meltdown Newsletter).  He laughed out loud at my story and said, “Just think…there are hundreds of those stories happening each and every day and just think of all the stress that it causes people.”  I couldn’t agree more and we both laughed at the idea that there’s probably a black-market cosmetic vending machine business in the back of every airport for all the cosmetics they confiscate daily.  He agreed with me that these types of regulations are ridiculous and need to be adjusted for rational people to make rational decisions in each and every situation.
As we neared the hotel, Wayne asked when I’d be heading for Maui to meet up with Janet and Sasha Lessin.  He knew of the Lessins and we talked a little bit about my polyamorous lifestyle ideas.  He agreed with me that we are all biologically “hard-wired” to be polyamorous but that it would be a challenging lifestyle.  I mentioned that it would take very mature, enlightened, highly conscious people to make it work.  That’s what Brad and I were going over to find out—if we could make it work with the Lessins.  He then asked me to give him a call as soon as I was settled in Maui as he wanted to hook-up for another one of my “amazing” treatments.
As we drove up to the Valet Veranda, the doorman in front tried to wave me to move on…but instead I stopped right out front to allow my VIP client to step out of my nostalgic van and onto the curb safely.  The doorman’s eyes grew wide with disbelief as Wayne Dyer stepped out of the vehicle, moving his neck around in circles.  “That feels really good….much better than it did before…but I think it could use a little more work when you get to Maui…promise you’ll call me…” 
“You better believe it!”  I shouted back as I drove away. 

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