
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

1/15/10 - A Letter to My Beloveds

A Letter to My Beloveds

Dear Beloveds (because you are)—
At times it feels like we’re all alone desperately “crying in the wilderness” to a very disconnected world wondering if anyone is out there listening to our pleas.  And then there are times when we really need a supportive shoulder to cry on, for someone to listen to our anguished cries for “group consciousness” to rally together against the tyranny which presses down upon us.  And folks actually show up.  We are all of this—disconnection/connection, passive/aggressive, separateness/oneness, apathy/sympathy, supportive/abortive, expansion/contraction…and it is all absolutely perfect.  We live in a world of contrast in order to gain perspective…and ultimately balance.  Some of us like to play it safe and wade knee-deep in the shallow end of the pool.  Some of us dive headlong in the deep-end—without a floatie.  I, for instance, love the adventure of scuba-diving, parasailing, zip-lining and rock-repelling.  And because of my continual struggle for personal awareness, group consciousness, and planetary enlightenment—I sometimes really put myself out there—kinda like Shirley McClain in her book Out on a Limb.  But there comes a time when I must acknowledge those true friends and supporters I genuinely call “my beloveds” for showing up for me.  And so I’d like to share with you some of the e-mail posts sent to me in my time of needing a supportive shoulder to cry on.  They really helped lift my spirits and brighten my day after my “day in jail.”

So sorry that happened. It's too bad that some people have so much fear that they have to turn things into a witch hunt - very dysfunctional. My prayers are with you. I am envisioning all charges dropped. Blessings and love sent to you and your family.

Does this mean if I asked a woman for Sex I could be arrested for solicitation?  Wow...  hope to see you guys soon.

My god, this is awful, it really makes me wonder if we really do have any rights in this country.  I hate the attitude of Law Enforcement thinking THEY know what is best for consenting adults, especially when they are not out breaking the law.
They should be spending more time on hardened criminals, juvenile offenders, monitoring neighborhoods for thiefs and keeping our public travel ways safe. 
I am so sorry you had to go through all of that, it sounds like hell.  It certainly has impacted my view point of law enforcement. 
Best of Luck Jess

Thank you so much for uplifting my day with your information. Having had to be in Canada the past 5 months I have so enjoyed reading your thoughts. It also makes me feel like I am keeping up with what's going on back home in SLC. So I have to ask what happened last Tuesday? Thanks again for taking the time and effort to communicate. I really look forward to rejoining your Sunday event.

Girlfriend... I just read your writing - and I sure hope you have not just hung yourself with it.

Supporting you with love and friendship

Janae, was it the sheriffs dept or the police that arrested you?  I read that you said something to them about your outspokeness re: the hot springs but it wasn’t clear if it was the SD that came for you.  If it was, that of course adds a very interesting component to the arrest.  When your article say "cops here to arrest you" I assumed police.  Hmmmm. 

Also, you said you had an attorney work with you on all your docs but is he not going to work with you now?  I noticed you were asking for a referall.
 Hi Jesse/Janae

Sorry to hear about your arrest/assault. I hope this settles down and you are free to live comfortably.

May we all heal.

Dear Janae,
Wow, what an experience you have had. Bless your heart. I will call SLC sheriff's office to give a citizen's complaint on your behalf. I send my prayers and energy your way.

ahah! , you do admit to having parking tickets! just kidding , good luck with your constitutional rights you’ll fight a battle for everyone, its interesting the cops so freely violate the constitution , yet to talk to them  they would probably say they value the constitution. That’s dangerous

Dear Janae,
I was shocked to hear what happened to you.  It sounded most unpleasant and I'm very sorry you and family members were treated that way.  Very sad!
Take care and I hope to see you sometime soon.

 I would love to get together and get caught up.... Sounds like things have been a little crazy for you... Let me know when it is a good time. Can't wait to see you!

Hi what can we do to complain about how you have been treated at your house and at the hot springs? Sounds like a couple of intense months :)

It was great talking with you on Saturday. 
Unfortunately your fighting a battle in group consciousness by yourself. My spirit is with you. 
Thank you and thanks for your efforts in bringing peace to our earth!

Others have called me on the phone and we’ve enjoyed some animated, intimate conversations concerning my arrest.  It has been lovely to connect with some of you I haven’t connected with for a long time.  And also connecting with some new friends who’ve ended up becoming “my beloveds.”  So, if anything, this has been a very gracious time of connection for all of us and I have met some extraordinary people along the way (including the guards and inmates I was able to minister to in jail).  So as to keep everyone who is interested “in the loop” so to speak—here are a few updates:
First off, I believe it was my older sister, Marsha, who called the cops (it is her MO) as she is very upset at my exposing our “family affairs” to my congregation.  Perhaps she has a point, but I felt it was necessary at the time to begin this action of enlightenment (bringing the darkness into the light) for my own sake as well as my family’s and also for community and planetary consciousness.  Because of this, we, as a family, are being assigned a “mediator” to determine what actually happened to my mother’s retirement and who is most qualified to serve as my mother’s guardian and conservator of her estate.  Marsha, who is an ultra-conservative Mormon, has verbally objected to my way of life and has also threatened me because of my “naturist church activities.”  It didn’t surprise me when me niece finally admitted that it was Marsha who called the cops in order to prove her own “self-righteous” point of view.  This is the type of “Religiosity” I desire to expose to the light, so that others can be enlightened and perhaps make different choices in their life.
In spite of my family’s continued threats to my business, we at Heartsong, have effectively kept our wits about us and are doing “business as usual” with our continual open-mind, open-heart, and open-door policy to everyone.  I am in no way in-bare-assed by what I do here as a Church Minister and stand on my Constitutional Rights to my own “pursuit of happiness” and my First Amendment Right which states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

In my “Church of the Gathering of What is Real” the Eleventh Article of Faith states:

11)  We believe that our bodies are our temples and claim the privilege of worshiping God in our own temples according to the dictates of our own conscience.  We believe that whatever happens between consenting adults is sacred and holy, not subject to interference of other persons, Church or State.  Let us worship how, where or what we may.

And so I claim, as my constitutional right, the privilege of performing sacred ordinances here at Heartsong the way they were originally performed by the Essenes and the Gnostic Christians—au naturel.  But, as always “clothing is optional.”

I’m reading an interesting book called, In Caesar’s Grip and according to everything I’ve read, I have successfully set up my “Free Church” as legitimately as possible.  In the book it states:

Operating and governing an unlicensed church, or what we refer to as a “free-church” may become, in some respects, less convenient than operating a licensed church.  The government has designed it that way to discourage their slaves from leaving Egypt.  The loss of State benefits versus liberation is something that every church considering this issue needs to carefully weigh.  Count the cost.  The early church had to count the cost of not incorporating.  They had the inconvenience of having to meet “house to house” because they couldn’t rent a public meeting hall.

And also in The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels regarding Gnostic Christianity:

Gnostic Christians, on the contrary, assert that what distinguishes the false from the true church is not its relationship to the clergy, but the level of understanding of its members, and the quality of their relationship with one another.  The Apocalypse of Peter declares that “those who are from the life…having been enlightened,” discriminate for themselves between what is true and false.  Belonging to “the remnant…summoned to knowledge (gnosis) they neither attempt to dominate others nor do they subject themselves to the bishops and deacons, those “waterless canal.”  Instead they participate in “the wisdom of the brotherhood that really exists…the spiritual fellowship with those united in communion.”
            The Second Treatise of the Great Seth similarly declares that what characterizes the true church is the union its members enjoy with God and with one another, “united in the friendship of friends forever, who neither know any hostility, nor evil, but who are united by my gnosis…(in) friendship with one another.”  Theirs is the intimacy of marriage, a “spiritual wedding,” since they live “in fatherhood and motherhood and rational brotherhood and wisdom” as those who love each other as “fellow spirits.”

And so when I go to court on February 3 at 3:00 to plead NOT GUILTY to all charges of “forcible sexual abuse; and/or improper massage conduct” in defense of my livelihood as a licensed massage therapist and Church Minister—I will go with confidence (without an attorney) to defend not just my own personal liberties, but I will fight the battle for “group consciousness.”
On the brighter side—my two sons, Jordan and Jonathan have been offered a modeling contract for DNA (the modeling agency from New York) and they want my sons in New York in March for an entire month.  I feel inspired to go with them for my own personal journey (and also to protect them from what I am told is the “gay mafia” there ;-).  I did get my money back from Craze—the modeling agency that misrepresented them—although they kept $100 for “processing fees.”  Wilhemina—the other modeling agency they’ve been working for in the meantime—has convinced them to hold off on signing a contract with DNA until their agents from New York and LA come here on January 30 to interview with them.  I’ll keep you updated on what happens.
Also, I am currently finishing the final edits to my three books—Heartsong, Heart Wide Open, and Becoming One—the journey toward God—and all three books should be available for purchase by the end of February.  I may, at that time, begin a national book-signing tour in order to get these very inspired books into everyone’s hands.  I believe the messages in these books are timely and paradigm shifting.  I feel very compelled to “get the word out” to as many folks as possible.  If you would like to order a copy of these books—please feel free to e-mail me to reserve your copies.
One more thing—a favorite author of mine Stewart Swerdlow who wrote Blue Blood, True Blood—Conflict & Creation (which I quote extensively in Heart Wide Open) is coming to Salt Lake for a 3-day Expansions Seminar on February 19-21.  I am excited and planning to attend.  For more information on Stewart Swerdlow and his wife, Janet, you can visit their website at
Please feel free to e-mail me your comments and concerns as I enjoy connecting with all of my beloveds.  I use the term “beloved” because I feel that we all deserve to “be-loved” and it is only our fears which prevent us from the full expression of love.  I continue to struggle with my ideas of “polyamory” with a society (and a husband) that hold to traditional “monogamist” beliefs.  Please bear with us as we transform and transcend these “beliefs which hold us hostage.”  If you also struggle with these beliefs—please share with us your experiences in e-mails or when we gather on Sundays for our Sunday Celebrations.  I believe the world is transcending these old belief patterns and paradigms into a New Age of Enlightenment.  Please join us in this transcendence.  Peace, joy, love and bliss to all—J. Bird (still naked as a)  P.S. Next weekend we will be going to Quartzite to the Rock Festival and won’t be hosting our Sunday Celebration here at Heartsong.  We will resume again in February.   

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